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Get Started with TalkEze

TalkEze is the best speaker notes tool for recording, offering customizable text, scrolling speed, and speaking rhythm. It ensures that your videos reflect your true confidence and mastery of the subject matter.

TalkEze Interface

TalkEze Interface

Sign in Account

Before creating your recordings, you need to sign in to your Gemoo account. You have three sign-in options.

Here are the sign-in (or sign-up, for new users) methods available to you:

Sign in TalkEze

Sign in TalkEze


New users will have a 3-day free trial upon their initial login. During this period, you can freely use our premium features at no cost. After the 3-day free trial period expires, please purchase our premium version for continued use.

After successful login, you can view four pieces of information in the Personal Cnter: display name, subscription type, benefits enjoyed, and logout.

Pricing Plan

TalkEze offers two pricing plans, and there are some differences between the plans. You can choose the purchase plan that best suits your needs.

Pricing Plan of TalkEze

Pricing Plan of TalkEze

Quick Setting

To ensure that the Speker notes elements are displayed according to your preferences, you can configure the settings before starting to write the script, or check out the Guide and FAQ to learn how to use TalkEze.

Click Setting

Click Setting

Change Prefrence Setting

With the Prefrence setting, you can

1Hide Script in the final video
2Forward/Rewind line space
3Default Font Size
4Default Scroll Speed
Preference Setting

Preference Setting

Add New Script

You have two ways to add a new script:

1Enter a Script
2Import .txt file
Add New Script

Add New Script

Script navigation

After importing your script, you can edit it by clicking the Edit Text button in the operator sidebar.

Script navigation

Script navigation

Edit Scripts

Once you import or write a script, you can edit it, like Bold, Underline. etc. to make it more reader-friendly.

1Adjustment of font size
5Text Color
6Text Background
Edit Scripts

Edit Scripts

Start to Scroll

Step 1: Adjust the script scrolling speed to your needs.

Adjust the Script Scrolling Speed

Adjust the Script Scrolling Speed

Step 2: Click the “Start” button, and your script will automatically begin scrolling. During the scrolling process, you can perform certain operations to control the scrolling speed, text font and more.

1Adjust the script scrolling speed
2Restart scroll
3Start scroll
4Decrease the font size
4Increase font size
Start to Scroll

Start to Scroll

If you enable the “Hide Script in the final video” buttonin the preference setting, your script will be hidden when your video recording is complete.

Other quick tips