In this comprehensive guide, we delve into the importance of subtitles for YouTube videos and provide a step-by-step tutorial on downloading them. Discover how downloading subtitles improves accessibility, enables content repurposing, and facilitates study and research.

Why Download Subtitles

Downloading transcripts and subtitles from YouTube Videos

Downloading transcripts and subtitles from YouTube videos is a straightforward process that can significantly enhance the accessibility and usability of your content. Follow these step-by-step instructions to obtain transcripts/subtitles from YouTube videos:

Step 1: Identify the video

Locate the YouTube video from which you want to download the transcripts/subtitles. Note the video’s title or URL for reference.

Identify the video

Identify the video

Step 2: Access the YouTube video page 

Open a web browser and visit the YouTube website. Use the search bar or navigate to the channel where the video is hosted.

Step 3: Navigate to the “More” option

Once on the YouTube video page, scroll below the video player and look for the “More” button. It is represented by three vertical dots arranged in a column.

Navigate to the More option

Navigate to the More option

Step 3: Select “Transcript” from the menu

Click on the “More” button, and a drop-down menu will appear. From the menu options, choose “Transcript.” This option may also be labeled as “Open transcript” or “Show transcript.”

Step 4: View and copy the transcript text

A transcript window will appear on the right side of the video player, displaying the text of the video’s captions. You can read the transcript directly on the screen. To copy the transcript, select all the text and copy it to your clipboard (Ctrl+C on Windows or Command+C on Mac).

Step 5: Download subtitles in various formats

If you want to download the subtitles in a specific format, such as SRT (SubRip Subtitle) or VTT (WebVTT), you can use third-party tools or online subtitle conversion websites. Paste the copied transcript text into the tool or website, select the desired format, and initiate the download.

Not all YouTube videos have available transcripts or subtitles. Suppose you don’t see the “Transcript” option in the “More” menu. In that case, it means that the video’s creator may not have provided captions or made them accessible.

Differences between Transcripts and Captions

Transcripts and subtitles serve different purposes and are used in other contexts. Here are the key differences between transcripts and subtitles:


Content Coverage

Usage and Accessibility

Display Format

Tips for Optimizing the Use of Subtitles

Unlock the full potential of subtitles with our expert tips:

Differences between Transcripts and Captions

Differences between Transcripts and Captions

Legal and Ethical Considerations

The legal and ethical landscape for downloaded subtitles varies based on jurisdiction, purpose, and content. Copyright owners hold exclusive rights to reproduce, distribute, and create derivative works. Fair use permits limited use without permission, considering factors like purpose, nature, amount used, and market impact. Personal use, like education, might qualify as fair use, but jurisdiction-specific laws and guidelines must be followed. Proper attribution to the original content creator, including title, author, source, and platform guidelines, is typically advised.


Recap the importance and multifaceted benefits of downloading transcripts/subtitles from YouTube videos. Embrace the power of accessibility, content repurposing, and research opportunities. Please take advantage of our step-by-step guide, leverage the recommended tools, and unlock the full potential of your video content through accessible and repurposable subtitles.


Let everyone enjoy a simplified workflow of video creating, editing, and sharing.