Becoming a YouTuber has become a main occupation for many content creators, who not only enjoy the financial rewards but also the flexibility and freedom that come with it. This trend has inspired many newcomers to join the platform and consider it as a side hustle to boost their income. However, for a new content creator, deciding when to start monetizing is a crucial question. Monetizing too early can affect the natural growth of content and the accumulation of viewers.

So, when is the best time to start making money on YouTube? By reading this article’s three key points, you will find the right rhythm.

When Should I Monetize?


1. How Many Views Do You Need for YouTube Ad Revenue?

If you plan to earn money through YouTube ads, you need to meet these criteria: YouTube requires creators to have at least 1,000 subscribers and 4,000 watch hours to apply for the YouTube Partner Program (YPP).

Note: Even if you meet these thresholds, ad revenue still depends on the number of views and the level of viewer engagement.

How to Increase Views?

The cost per thousand impressions (CPM) for ad revenue can vary greatly depending on the region and the type of audience. Typically, the income from a thousand views is relatively low. If you don’t have a substantial traffic base, your monthly income might only be a few dollars. Therefore, for beginners, it’s better to focus on content creation and not rush to enable ad revenue.

Earn money on YouTube

Earn money on YouTube

2. Prioritize Growing Your Audience

The first step to making money on YouTube should be to ensure you have a stable and loyal audience. Remember, increasing your subscribers and engagement rates is more important than ad revenue during this process. By building a stronger audience base, your monetization methods will become more diverse, and the income will be more substantial.

How to Increase Your Audience?

By following these methods, your view count and subscriber numbers will continue to increase, bringing more monetization opportunities, such as sponsorships and collaboration opportunities.

Youtube SEO

Youtube SEO

3. The Best Strategy for Beginners to Make Money on YouTube

If you are a new creator, the most suitable approach for you is not to pursue quick ad revenue but to extend the growth period and focus on content and community. Even if you have reached YouTube’s monetization threshold, starting ad partnerships too early may make your channel seem overly commercial and lose its authenticity. Many people may be eager, but a phased transition is often more acceptable.

Why Not Rush to Monetize?

When you have enough subscribers and view counts, try other monetization models, such as through sponsors, promoting membership subscriptions, or directly selling products and services to increase income.

make money on YouTube

make money on YouTube

Conclusion: Finding the Right Monetization Timing

Monetizing on YouTube is a long-term accumulation process, and the key to success lies in finding the right timing. For beginners, the best strategy is to focus on content creation and audience growth before gradually introducing monetization methods. Whether it’s through YouTube ad revenue, sponsorships, or other forms of monetization, finding the right timing and model can help you maximize your income while maintaining viewer loyalty.

By understanding these three key points, you will have a clearer idea of when it is an appropriate time to start monetizing on YouTube. Finally, it is suggested that instead of rushing for short-term gains, you should focus on solid work and make long-term plans, so that you can go further.


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