Please consult the frequently asked questions (FAQs) provided below if you have any inquiries regarding Gemoo Snap.
Here you will know the most frequently asked questions with answers about the General Settings for Gemoo Snap, like how to download and uninstall Gemoo Snap, check the update of Gemoo Snap, etc.
If you fail to download or install Gemoo Snap on your computer, please try these instructions to solve this issue:
a. Please make sure the Internet connection on your computer is stable when you try to download or install Gemoo Snap.
b. Please check that all anti-virus and firewall software is temporarily disabled on your computer.
c. If the problem persists, please try to copy & paste the download in the browser to download Gemoo Snap.
d. If you need any further assistance, you can also contact our support team for further assistance.
To uninstall Gemoo Snap on your computer, please follow the steps below.
For Mac:
Open Finder > Click Applications > Find Gemoo Snap> Right-click Gemoo Snap to choose Move to Trash > Right-click Trash to select Empty Trash.
Uninstall on Mac Computer
For Windows:
Open Control Panel > Choose Programs > Click Programs and Features > Find Gemoo Snap > Right-click Gemoo Snap to Uninstall/Change.
Uninstall on Windows Computer
We are adding new features to the updated version. To ensure you enjoy the new features, please check if there is a newer version periodically to optimize your experience. There are two ways to update Gemoo Snap to the latest version. One is to check for updates from Gemoo Snap directly.
Check for Updates
The other one is to download the latest version of Gemoo Snap from our official website straightforwardly.
Currently, the OCR function can support English, French, German, Japanese, and Spanish in the Windows version. But it only supports English in the Mac version at present.
Yes! We have implemented generally accepted industry standards to protect the security of any personal information we process so that your information is treated securely and in accordance.
To ensure maximum protection for every user, we have added our domain to the HTST Preload list, which will ensure browsers do not connect to our application if it is not over HTTPS. For more security information, see our Security Policy. Happy Gemooing!
A log file is a file that records events that occur within Gemoo Snap. When troubleshooting an issue with the tool, we may need the logs. They can easily be retrieved via the Gemoo Snap menu bar “…”, and click the “Feedback” button.
It is easy to send the log file:
Launch Gemoo Snap > Click the Menu Bar “…” > Click the “Feedback” button.
Click Feedback Button
Locate the log file > Drag the log file to the attachment > Type the necessary info in Feedback page > Click Send button.
Click The Send button
Questions, comments, concerns? Contact us here. Happy Gemooing!