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Official Release of Gemoo


Last Updated: Apr. 13, 2023 | FEATURED IN: News

Gemoo Official Release

Gemoo Official Release

Hi everyone, this is Morgan, the founder of Gemoo.

Thanks to the hard work of my team and the unwavering support of our users, we have successfully completed the lengthy beta stage and are now embarking on a new journey. It is with great excitement that I announce the official release of Gemoo! 🌟

Gemoo Beta was released last August, we’ve been through a path of pitching and asking for feedback, doing research and small-scale marketing, and trying to improve Gemoo to be more user-centric. We’ve gained over 5,000 registered users today, and I am thrilled that many educators, designers, and marketers have recognized Gemoo as a valuable tool, and given us valuable feedback, which drove us here, thanks for your support! 🤝

Thank you to everyone who participated in 1-on-1 user interviews, provided feedback through online tickets and customer service or any other ways, and generously reviewed and shared Gemoo with the public. Each and every one of you is a significant milestone on our journey toward monumentality.

Furthermore, we will be implementing a pricing model moving forward. This decision was made to ensure that Gemoo can continue to provide long-term stability and enhanced services to our valued users.

We recognize that this change may bring about some adjustments for our users, which is why we have prepared a pre-LTD offer for our early adopters who decide to upgrade their plan before May 31. Check it out here

Please don’t hesitate to contact us at cs@gemoo.com if you have any questions or concerns about it. We’re always here to help! 🧑🏻‍🤝‍🧑🏻

Thank you for being a part of our beta testing phase. We hope that you will use Gemoo continuously and enjoy all the benefits that our future updates offer.


Founder of Gemoo. Sharing ideas and learnings about startup, dev, AI, and marketing stuff.

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